International Model

InternationalModel is not a modeling agency but a uber creative agency for the model, talent and entertainment industry.

We do things that let you shout out "Wow!", "Awesome!", "Gorgeous!". All right, that's just fantastic! We continue to endeavor to do the extraordinary that will empower you further to greater heights!

Through the exceptional deeds of our actions that come in a wholistic format of integrating technology with design and philosophy, we not only just make it happen but it is also phenomenally outstanding! Your achievement is our accomplishment! It is beautiful! InternationalModel

International Pop

Go with the flo and rise above...


When you enter the realm of PYM, you feel the good vibes, and you are filled with an immense energy and vibrancy that heightens your sense of exhilaration and brings you an infinite series of good fortune. It is awesome! Indeed! This is mystique, the most beautiful thing that you can experience. It is mysterious but is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as not living: his eyes are closed. Albert Einstein

As we go through our life, and it unravels its profound meaning, we gain not just the insights into its marvels... it manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty. Love and passion. It culminates on the wonderful stage that you can now open your eyes wide for a full view of the unimaginably beautiful! Remarkable!


International Model
112 Middle Road #0701
Singapore 188970

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Business Hours

Monday - Friday
9 AM - 6 PM
10 AM - 2 PM
Upon appointment

Contact Us

+65 9654 3188 S Korea +82 (10) 443 9888
Japan +81 (050) 5534 6488 U.S.A.
+1 (978) 381 3388
+86 158 1154 4988 Switzerland +41 (22) 575 4988
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